Challenge 2aFor this challenge, I created a set of icons, a logo, and a wireframe for a program called Exercise for Persons with Disability, at Spaulding Rehab Hospital in Cambridge. I am working with this program in another one of my engineering classes, and wanted to design a logo for them and create a mockup of their website, as well as create icons that I could use for my final presentation. I created three icons that explain a key part of the service the program provides, exercise via functional electrical stimulation. This technology allows paraplegic individuals to perform exercises like cycling and rowing, and I wanted to explain the process visually, which I did via the icons in the top right panel. For the logo, I wanted to prominently feature a person in a wheelchair, but wanted them to be in an active stance. The logo I came up with includes a person in a wheelchair, and uses that figure to represent one of the letters in the logo. The wireframe I created was a simple design that includes pages with information that patients and clinicians may need about the program.