– What is it?
Cute, funny cards perfect for any occasion!
– Why do you think it’s desirable? Do your best to explain what you think works or not about it psychologically or emotionally for people who are fans of it?
Often times it can be difficult to write a thoughtful card to a friend, SO, or family member from scratch. Papyrus cards make it easy by offering inspiration. The best part about papyrus cards is that there are so many different ways to use them. The lazy writer can just sign their name, the creative writer can adjust and cross out existing text, and the need-inspiration writer can you the existing imagery and text as a springboard to write more personal notes.
– Mention how your review compares to the previous reviewer
The previous reviewer focused more on how the Papyrus card was designed to aid the “brand” and to show consistency among cards. I tried to focus on why the cards are so beneficial to the user (which is likely why they are so popular)
– Copy the previous reviewer response below yours
Papyrus cards offer a nice alternative to traditional hallmark cards sold at stores across a wide variety of retail corporations. The abundance of specialized options make Papyrus cards perfect for nearly any occasion. However, it is the elegant and structural design of these cards that is so appealing. The cards are thicker and sturdier than other standard cards. Often times, you will find a 3D design on the front to convey the main motif of the card. Additionally, each card is packaged with a matching envelope and a recognizable gold papyrus sticker. These consistencies help contribute to the prominent Papyrus brand. Lastly, from the buyer perspective, the inside message is displayed on the outside packaging to simplify the card selection process. Through these clever design decisions, the Papyrus card conveys deeper sentiments to its receiver than more traditional options.
– Choose and image to add to your post (either use the image from the original post or select an image of the product from the internet)