The iPod Nano is no longer in production (at least, not that I know of), which makes me very sad because I absolutely loved mine when I used it. This was one of the early, non-clunky forms of the iPod, and unsurprisingly became hugely popular. I think its dimensions are ideal for a portable personal music player – easy to slip into your pocket or carry in your hand while running. It is very lightweight. These basic features of size and weight already give it an advantage, in my opinion, over the iPod Touch that succeeded and supplanted it. In addition, there are two other aspects to the Nano that its successors haven’t matched: first, the Nano is dedicated pretty much just to audio. No clutter with apps and icons and wifi – a plain and simple interface, easy to navigate and sleek enough in its context. In today’s world, this level of focus and lack of distraction in a daily-use electronic device seems hard to come by. Second, using the Nano was a satisfying tactile experience. The circular navigation panel, precursor to the touch screens that came afterword, was a fun and unique way to navigate through the content. There was also the satisfying feel and sound of clicking the central button or the four controls on the circular panel. This combination of a smooth touch-screen like experience involving motion, combined with static pressure-based clicks, made the tactile aspects memorable (it reminds me of the example from class about the feel of opening a Coke can and hearing the sound). Now that personal music libraries are increasingly moving from static libraries to streaming services, the good old Nano seems unlikely to stage a comeback. However, it is definitely one of the most desirable electronic devices I have used, and I really wish it were still in use today.