Fabletics yoga pants! The name says it itself; they’re fabulous. Yoga pants are such an essential part of my wardrobe, supporting me on my lazy, down, or comfy days. With that in mind, I’ve been on the quest for the perfect pair of yoga pants that are not costing me an arm and a leg. When I first saw the Fabletics advertisement (2 for $24!), I jumped on the bandwagon because, WHAT A DEAL! I knew the yoga pants would be quality material because of the brand name, but I had no idea it would fit me like this. The little details of the yoga pants make it all the better, the price point makes it unbeatable. From the seamless waistband to prevent lines and the cutting into the stomach feeling to the soft to the touch fabric that doesn’t flash with its elasticity, I feel like my legs are on cloud nine when I wear them. Next time you’re in the market for a good pair of yoga pants, I would check out Fabletics. Not only have I fell in love with their pants and their brand, but their large base of followers echoes this sentiment. The best part of the clothing and the brand is that it’s inclusive of women of all shapes, sizes, and length: a yoga pant for all.