There is nothing better than a cup of hot chocolate to battle the cold Cambridge weather. So for the taste testing challenge, I decided to objectively evaluate three different hot chocolates from Starbucks, Tatte bakery, and L.A. Burdick in Harvard Square. The main qualities evaluated were 1) the level of richness and creaminess (as opposed to being watery), 2) how much the drink resembles the actual flavor of chocolate (as opposed to just tasting sweet), and 3) price. Out of the three options, Starbucks had the least impressive hot chocolate offering. Though the cheapest at $3.75, the Starbucks hot chocolate was by far the most watery – tasting like artificial hot chocolate powder dissolved in hot water – and clearly did not have enough rich chocolate notes to appeal to chocolate aficionados like myself. In comparison, the hot chocolate from Tatte bakery was much more impressive. At $4.50, Tatte’s hot chocolate had a well-balanced chocolate flavor that was neither rich nor watery. Beneath its foamy top layer, the drink had a consistent light and thin texture that surprisingly did not compromise its resemblance to authentic chocolate. However, it somewhat lacked the rich texture and flavor that one would expect from a gourmet hot chocolate. That being said, the clear winner of the taste test was the milk hot chocolate from L.A. Burdick. Though a little steep in price ($5.25 for a small cup), the hot chocolate from L.A. Burdick was full of rich chocolate flavors and even had a hint of bitterness that one can find in great dark chocolate bars. The drink was milky, creamy, and viscous, as if a whole chocolate bar had been dipped and melted into the drink. The only downside to the drink was that it was a bit too sweet, but the drink was overall fantastic – easily one of the best I have tasted in my life.