
“This innovation of edible cutlery was drawn from the following concerns:

1. Depletion of groundwater can be arrested by creating markets for less irrigation demanding crops such as jowar (sorghum). The edible cutlery is made from flours of this crop.

2. Demand for power from the agriculture sector does not commensurate its contribution to the GDP and on the contrary is creating pressures on other sectors, notably on the manufacturing sector. This is largely because of the faulty crop choices. This initiative could help in triggering the right crop mix (even districts with scanty rainfall are registering increasing trends in water guzzling rice crop).

3. The demand for plastic cutlery is increasing over the days. Plastic, a petroleum by-product is more harmful to human body because of the presence of several toxins and carcinogens. Its application as food consumption utensil enhances the chances of these chemicals to get into the human system.”

I am drawn to the social good nature of this project. The designers identified a problem (or rather an intersection of problems) and found the ideal solution. It is a simple and innovative remake of an already existing idea (cutlery) that actively works to make the world better.