As mentioned in my team members’ posts, our team’s goal was to find the best bagel, bar and fry combo in Cambridge. We also wanted to play with this idea of using emojis to create a concise and descriptive visual language to describe flavors and textures with icons that are already well-known. I definitely lack Lydia’s flair for visual design, so please turn to her post for a good layout of the emojis that we chose to describe our foods. 

Lydia took on bars; Naida’s quest was to find the best bagel in Cambridge, and my goal was to try to pinpoint the best French fry in the area. I spent one afternoon going from take-out to take-out ordering only sides of French fries, to the confusion of many of the servers. I was unable to finish tasting each fry in one sitting, because I quickly went from this:

To this:

Tasting all of fries was definitely more unpleasant than it sounds!

Each taste would be followed by some water, both to make sure that I didn’t dehydrate but also to ensure that I had a clean palette for each fry. And, in order to ensure that the fries were all given an equal chance, I waited about two hours after buying them before beginning the test, to ensure that they were all roughly the same temperature: slightly warm. And realistically, this is also how we consume fries at Harvard College: nice and luke warm after walking back home in the unforgiving cold. 

And just for reference, here is our selection of emojis and their meanings:

Since we’re analysing starch products, we’re using the bread emoji for the overall score out of five

Let’s analyse some fries!

And the winner is….