90% of skin cancer cases are associated with exposure to UV rays. Over $8.1 billion is spent on treating skin cancer in the US annually. 1 in 5 Americans will get skin cancer in their life time. 

The Fitbit Sun introduces a new element of personal health and lifestyle awareness for users with protection signals and alerts against harmful sun exposure. 


1. Monitors UV levels

2. Tracks the amount of sun you have been exposed to over time

3. Alerts you to use different forms of sun protection based on gathered data

The Fitbit Sun is equipped with a relatively large UV sensor on the band above the display screen; this sensor collects information about sun intensity and duration of sun exposure, and communicates this information to the user in two ways — a 1) fixed display and 2) a variety of alerting signals. The UV sensor translates information on the sun’s intensity (often referred to as the UV index) into a fixed display of a sun on the display screen with the number of relative sun rays present corresponding to the sun’s intensity. This feature is especially relevant for cloudy days spent outdoors, during which users are made aware of the presence of harmful UV rays even under misleading cloud coverage. The data collected by the UV sensor also translates into visual and vibrational signals that alert the user with specific interventions to protect against sun exposure. 

For example, a user who spends a long afternoon in the sun watching a soccer game will be alerted with a vibration and a hat icon to wear hat protection against the sun, and a user who spends a full day at the beach will be signaled with sunscreen and shade icons to encourage sunscreen application/re-application and proper protection from the sun. Ideally, the Fitbit Sun would be able to combine data from the UV sensor and accelerometer to provide even more accurate advice, ex. a user who goes for a run outdoors will be signaled to wear a protective hat, and also drink water as a source of hydration after simultaneous sun exposure and a rigorous workout.

Sample User Journey: Lisa is a fair-skinned woman with two kids who has a family history of skin cancer. She buys Fitbit Sun to better help her monitor her sun exposure. As she does different activities, she receives feedback about how much sun she is being exposed to during different activities that she participates in and receives suggestions and reminders about what sun protection she should be using. The Fitbit Sun becomes a part of her lifestyle and daily routine and when she goes to her dermatologist, he gives her a clean bill of health and tells her that she is on the road to maintaining healthy skin.