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March 4, 2014
August 21, 2022
Scrabble Typography Edition: Scrabble with fifteen fonts
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Crash CodeCrash Code is a platform that enables the average person to gain coding skills for success in the workforce. It is becoming more and more obvious that throughout the 21st century many people will lose their jobs due to automation [1]. The people who will first be impacted are blue collar workers, who lack a college education and typically have worked in manufacturing jobs. Users of our platform will not only have the opportunity to learn how to code, but we will also directly connect them with employers who are looking to hire people with their abilities. Our content will come from Code Academy’s API and then in turn users will have to build projects with their new skills, which reinforces what they learn and motivates them by seeing the practical application of it. Our goal is for every single coder to make it through our program and be gainfully employed by the end. With enough effort, our users will have the technical know-how for entry level coding positions after just 6 months. While learning a new skill will prove to be challenging to most people, our program divides the workload into manageable pieces so that anyone can learn how to code. We also will provide support, so that if users get confused they can immediately turn to us rather than turning away from the problem.The Crash Code platform hosts a six month intensive coding course that uses content from Code Academy, Khan Academy, and W3 Schools to teach coding concepts. The advertising for the program provides motivation by showing users potential career opportunities and salaries on the homepage of the website, and gives users ability by allowing them to learn a wide variety of CS skills through the platform. Finally, triggers are built into the program (email reminders and weekly check ins with teaching staff) in order to sustain user engagement [2]. Users choose one of three tracks (Javascript + Html, Ruby + Python, PHP + SQL) based on their interests and information about potential careers in these areas. They watch lesson videos and complete assignments on weekly or biweekly schedules. In the first trimester (Month Zero and Month One) assignments are fairly basic and some involve Scratch, and users can get help via a chat bot. Throughout the course, users receive daily emails updating them on their progress and encouraging them to move forward, and will have weekly one-on-one meetings with a member of the teaching staff to hold users accountable to their work and provide support. In Months Two and Three, assignments will become more challenging, and users will receive help through online office hours held by teaching staff and can use a forum in the site that draws from sites like Stack Exchange and Quora. In Months Four and Five, users will do assignments created by companies that use the platform to recruit new talent. These assignments let users understand what work as a programmer would actually be like, and can also serve as a diagnostic tool for companies, helping them evaluate who to hire. At the end of the program, companies that use the platform can choose to interview users and hire them. Users can continue to use the platform to learn new skills and network with employers. [1][2] BJ Fogg article
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