Our advertisement takes a different approach, lacking a central figure, but still telling a comical story. The timeframe for this ad is about 30 seconds, similar to a Super Bowl spot. The brand we found sounds very ordinary, and contrasts with the subject matter very well.

It will first start out with a group of women walking down the street:


One of them catches the eye of a man on the street and turns around:


very comically, the man’s draw drops:


but surprise! we cut to that woman going home and removing her makeup:


and finally end with sharp cut to our brand and then a fade to black:


While we didn’t have as old of a cast as we might have, we think that this ad will appeal towards women because not only does it turn the stereotypical beauty/makeup ad on its head, but also makes you think about the use cases of the product and how well it works. One could easily see women laughing at the expense of the man who got duped.