About a month before I came to college, I decided that I wanted a new backpack, and after doing a lot of research, I stumbled upon the Mancro college backpack. Easy to carry, very roomy, and stylish, it was everything that I wanted in one neat bag. A few months later, I began noticing that there were more and more people around campus wearing the same backpack as me in different colors. I could barely believe it! I was sure that everyone would have NorthFace or Hershel backpacks. But here they were with Mancro, The fact that it has so many compartments and is comfortable to carry makes it appealing to a college student such as myself. And while NorthFaces are great for traveling and hiking, and Hershel is wonderful for their style, these backpacks are both sleek in style, and don’t have an excess of compartments. The fact that Mancro seems to be a bit newer to the market also makes it interesting to try, especially if there’s a possibility that it will catch on in the future.