YAB helps you locate your parked car and receive reminders when your parking meter is about to expire. You plug YAB into the car’s USB port and connect it to the YAB app via your smartphone. As someone who loves new ideas that make life more functional for the average human, YAB is extremely appealing. While the makers tout the device’s lack of intrusion due to its tiny size, I would want to know more about how it could be stored when not in use or in the likely scenario that the USB port is being used for something else. I’ve used devices of this size before and usually end up losing them if they aren’t plugged into the port. It would also be great if down the line, you could not only receive meter reminders but virtually pay the meter, saving you a trip back to the car. Such a feature would not only enhance YAB’s functionality but also potentially expand the user base as it solves for a related but distinct pain point.