Color Street is a nail company that makes colorful nail polish strips. Not to be confused with stick ons, Color Street is real nail polish with a dry top and moist bottom that can be stretched to fit any nail shape and size thanks to its patented technology. Its founder, Fa Park, said he was inspired to develop this product after seeing a woman trying to polish her nails while in the back seat of a cab. Color Street’s innovative business model lets women become their own stylists, offering design kits and workshops to those who wish to develop and sell their designs. I used Color Street for the first time this week and can attest to its product benefits, including quick application/drying and durability – it thus far shows no signs of peeling. I could also choose from multiple fun colors and patterns. The only downside is accessibility – while I bought mine through a stylist at a street market, the online site does not let you purchase the product until you register and select a stylist. At the very least, it would be great to have a more streamlined way of browsing the designs that are currently available without having to sign up.