In addition to offering a wide variety of new benefits, such as travel rewards and cash bonuses, credit card companies, in recent years, have increasingly directed its efforts at improving the physical design of its credit cards. That is, credit card companies are beginning to realize that the physical design of the card plays a crucial role in positively influencing user psychology, with stylish and unique designs attracting more new customers and increasing the subconscious willingness of the cardholder to use the card more frequently. As such, I have noticed a drastic surge in the rise of metal credit cards in the last year – an item that was traditionally limited to select exclusive cards from AMEX. The Chase Sapphire Reserve credit card, a card that I personally was drawn to initially because of its sleek design, is a great example of a credit card that has increased its desirability via design. The card is made of thick metal alloy, which gives it a comfortable, sturdy feeling when held. The card also features a metallic dark navy surface that gradients into a lighter shade of blue at the top right corner, giving it a modern and minimalist look. The card also makes the user feel special, as his or her name is engraved with laser in the bottom left. Upon release, the demand for the card skyrocketed despite its relatively steep annual fee, and it is said that Chase, in fact, ran out of metal to make the cards and had to keep customers waiting for weeks. I am fascinated by how the subtle differences in design of everyday consumer products can significantly sway consumer choice and influence their psychology.