A.P.C. was founded in 1987 in Paris by the Tunisian fashion designer Jean Touitou. The brand embraces minimalist designs that feature clean lines and simple patterns. A.P.C. is arguably most famous for its raw denim jeans. What makes raw denim jeans different from ordinary jeans is that the raw denim variety is not washed and distressed before being sold. The washing and distressing process used in the modern production of jeans gives the jeans a softer feel and a distressed look. Raw denim, on the contrary, is sold immediately after the fabric has been cut and sewn. This gives the denim a rough, stiff texture and the ability to develop a worn-in look unique to the individual wearing them. It is also important to mention that the first denim jeans made by Levi Strauss in the mid-1800’s were manufactured in a similar manner. What we know as ordinary jeans didn’t appear on the consumer market until the 1970s.
Additionally, the indigo denim used to make A.P.C. jeans is sourced from Japan and the cut of the jeans is slim. The denim is also of a lighter weight compared to other brands raw denim jeans. This allows the jeans to be more comfortable during the first months of wear and to develop a worn-in look rather quickly. In fact, to facilitate the natural distressing process, many people who wear raw denim jeans don’t wash their jeans for the first three to six months of wear.
Berlin-based fashion writer Brock Cardiner summarized the allure of raw denim especially well:
In short, raw denim is created as a “blank slate” for each wearer to carve his or her own life onto. While it often takes months or years of dedication, the end result is worth it in the form of a piece of clothing that is yours and yours alone. During the lifespan of a pair, the wearer and the wearee experience a reciprocal unconditional love rivaled only by the likes of a loyal pet.