Once a Shark tank sensation, Scrub Daddy has become a household staple in my family. It’s an example of a simple design that is ridiculously practical. The defining feature of the sponge is that it can be both hard and soft. Put it in cold water, and it becomes as hard as steel wool, perfect for scrubbing puts and stove tops. Usually, when you use hard sponges, they’re a pain to wash and you often can’t get all the gunk off. But with Scrub Daddy, you can put it in hot water and it will immediately soften, allowing you to fill it with water and squeeze out all the dirtiness. In addition, the smiley face is not just for decoration purposes either. You can put your fingers through the two eyes, and twist the sponge inside a cup. The smiling mouth is the perfect shape for a spoon to slide through, allowing you to scrub any size spoon.