The Icons:
The theme of my icons was the outdoors/nature. My first attempt was the bear, which followed the Skype idea of using circles to construct a design. I think it went quite well, but it’s not super clean so I tried some different styles.
I like the yacht and the tree and how the empty space is a join between the elements, whilst there is nothing there. I like how that works, it looks really clean.
The rowing boat was an attempt to try and replicate the empty space from the yacht/tree, and I think it went quite well. It’s not particularly exciting but it’s solid.

The Logo:
I had two attempts at the logo. Harvard Consulting on Business and the Environment is a student group I’m in, so I figured I would try and design something for that.
The first logo used the tree from my icon and is super simple. The lines of text sort of line up with the different sections of the tree, following the idea of a grid that we looked at last Wednesday. I think it’s quite good, very simple and clear.
The second logo is a bit more colorful, probably less appropriate for the business focused subject that it portrays. I think they’re both pretty good looking overall, I prefer the one on the left.

The Background:
I edited this photograph that I took in one of the boat bays in Newell Boathouse last summer. I cropped and straightened it to make it adhere better to the rule of thirds to make it work better as a background. I adjusted a few other settings and the levels to make the colors a bit richer, and slightly increased the natural vignette. I can see this being a desktop background, there’s perfect space around the right hand edge to have the icons organized in the dark space.